Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Russia Put Heat On Election Observers - Watchdog Golos Says Lawyer

(Welcome to Cyprian G. Ogba's blog)

A lawyer speaking on behalf of the election watchgog Golos said the Russian police has resulted to massive rate on critics and independent opinion leaders for their different views in the Russian politics, he sad police has descended heavily on the election watchdog Golos ransacking its offices and also investigating its workers.
The senior executive Grigory Melkonyants was not left out of this ordeal various equipments including computers and other sensitive electronics from his department were sized and carted away. The lawyer claimed that the operation by the police was still in force as the time of giving the report.
There is this mechanism of tax problem the police is using to fight the "political oppositions"  the police have made it possible to "trap" the head of the group's branch in the Volga city of Samara in a tax connected investigation which sources believe  is a subterflage.
On the other hand the Golos believe that all this political intrigues, campaign of intimidation and calumny are meant to shut down their political struggle for freedom, the paper has also debunked the fact that this group of people being arrested do not represent any American interest as the police has made it to be.
With this incident  Melkonyants has opined on radio independent television channel Dozhd  that the Russian police is wielding all its power and strength against Golos on the final onslaught.
In defiance he promised that the Golos will increase its numerical strength to put check to the political dishonesty and the monitor events across the length and breadth of the country.
The Russian police has blacklisted Golos as unpatriotic paper and a "foreign stooge" in this way the paper would no more enjoy government funding. As a result the Golos has resorted to public appeals for financial support toward their feature political campaign.
Alexei Navalny a top Russian opposition leader has vowed to be in the race for parliamentary post come next year autumn, though the government is also striving to outwit contestants by changing the date.

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