Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Russia Put Heat On Election Observers - Watchdog Golos Says Lawyer (Contd)

(Welcome to Cyprian G. Ogba's blog)

The resent violation on International law by Russia against the  Yugoslav government have surely stirred up the political will and resistance of the opposition groups both in Yugoslav and Russia. Their resolve is to be able to present a common front which will be able to face and resist the manipulations of the Russian government.
It is on record that, Russia under the hardcore leadership of President Putin recently  caused a lot of havoc in Yugoslav. Not only was Yugoslav brought to her feet and taken over by the Kremlin but also an air of restiveness was spread all over the country. Russia does not believe in America intervention and considers the act as "Western interference and dabbling in Russia sovereign affairs".
This interventions by the Western Countries under the hegemony of America are considered by the Russians as dubious, and only help them (Western Countries) to hug the headlines.
One will recall that these two Countries Russia and America thrive on their incessant rivalry for the number one supper power spot in the world.  This challenge was at it peak when the Partition of Germany took place after the WWII.
This attitude for the struggle of supremacy over each other will stick around for a long time.

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